The Danish part of Cosmos is funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council (Grants 2103-05-0006/2064-04-0010).

The UK part of COSMOS was funded for an initial 5 year period by the MTHR and the mobile telecommunications industry (project number 091/0006) and, subsequently, funded by the UK Department of Health (project number PR-ST-0713-00003)

The Swedish part of Cosmos is funded by the Swedish Research Council (Grant 50096102), AFA Insurance (Grant T-26:04), TeliaSonera, Telenor and Ericsson (VINNOVA, acts as a firewall between TeliaSonera, Telenor and Ericsson and the Karolinska Institutet)

The Finnish part of Cosmos is funded by Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (WIRECOM research programme) and Yrjö Jahnsson foundation.

The Dutch part of Cosmos is funded by the ZonMw Programme Electromagnetic Fields and Health (Grants 8520001 and 85500003).

The French part of COSMOS is funded by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).